Tips and Tricks Home
Running the Game
Console Commands
Console History
Camera Angle Change
Toggle Spectator Screen
Spawn Mirror Character
Say Command
Running the Game
Open the folder where you have extracted Sparc.
Navigate to the VRArena folder.
Then the binaries folder.
Then the Win64 folder.
Right click on the VRArena-Win64-Test.exe file and click "Run as Administrator".
Here’s a helpful video demonstrating the technique listed above.YouTube
Console Commands
Hit the backtick key to access the console.
Console History
In the console, you can use the up and down arrow keys on the keyboard to view and select previous typed console commands.
Camera Angle Change
Hit the \ backslash key on the keyboard to change camera angles from first-person view to third-person view.
Hit the \ backslash key again to return to first-person view.
*This is not performed in the console.
Toggle Spectator Screen
FOR PLAYERS ONLY - In the console, type togglespectatorscreen to enable the automatic cycling through the spectator camera views.
Enter the command again to disable and turn it off.
Servers WARNING - (Do not use this on a running server)
Spawn Mirror Character
While connected to a server, enter console mode and in the console type show gameplaydebug and press enter.
show gameplaydebug
Then press the “s” key to spawn a mirror character. See video for example.YouTube
Say Command
Talk to your buddies through the console command.
In the console, type “say” and then any message that you want to record in the console for that server. The other players will be able to view what
is said only when they look at their console.
say wow, what a great game, give me five minutes to drink some water!